Page 216 - Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Full Book | Success Learned
P. 216

positive knowledge opens the door of the human mind to the charlatan so he may
enter and control that mind with his stock of legerdemain and various brands of
pious fraud and trickery.

The fear of DEATH is not as common now as it was during the age when there
were no great colleges and universities. Men of science have turned the spotlight
of truth upon the world, and this truth is rapidly freeing men and women from
this terrible fear of DEATH. The young men and young women who attend the
colleges and universities are not easily impressed by "fire" and "brimstone."

Through the aid of biology, astronomy, geology, and other related sciences, the
fears of the dark ages which gripped the minds of men and destroyed their reason
have been dispelled.

Insane asylums are filled with men and women who have gone mad, because of

This fear is useless. Death will come, no matter what anyone may think about
it. Accept it as a necessity, and pass the thought out of your mind. It must be a,
necessity, or it would not come to all. Perhaps it is not as bad as it has been pic-

The entire world is made up of only two things, ENERGY and MATTER. In el-
ementary physics we learn that neither matter nor energy (the only two realities
known to man) can be created nor destroyed. Both matter and energy can be
transformed, but neither can be destroyed.

Life is energy, if it is anything. If neither energy nor matter can be destroyed, of
course life cannot be destroyed. Life, like other forms of energy, may be passed
through various processes of transition, or change, but it cannot be destroyed.
Death is mere transition.

If death is not mere change, or transition, then nothing comes after death except
a long, eternal, peaceful sleep, and sleep is nothing to be feared. Thus you may
wipe out, forever, the fear of Death.


The general symptoms of this fear are:-

The habit of THINKING about dying instead of making the most of LIFE, due,
generally, to lack of purpose, or lack of a suitable occupation. This fear is more


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