Page 129 - Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Full Book | Success Learned
P. 129



We all remember the date of this momentous decision, but few of us realize what
courage that decision required. We remember our history, as it was taught; we
remember dates, and the names of the men who fought; we remember Valley
Forge, and Yorktown; we remember George Washington, and Lord Cornwallis.
But we know little of the real forces back of these names, dates, and places. We
know still less of that intangible POWER, which insured us freedom long before
Washington's armies reached Yorktown.

We read the history of the Revolution, and falsely imagine that George Washing-
ton was the Father of our Country, that it was he who won our freedom, while the
truth is-Washington was only an accessory after the fact, because victory for his
armies had been insured long before Lord Cornwallis surrendered. This is not
intended to rob Washington of any of the glory he so richly merited.

Its purpose, rather, is to give greater attention to the astounding POWER that was
the real cause of his victory. It is nothing short of tragedy that the writers of his-
tory have missed, entirely, even the slightest reference to the irresistible POWER,
which gave birth and freedom to the nation destined to set up new standards of
independence for all the peoples of the earth. I say it is a tragedy, because it is the
self-same POWER which must be used by every individual who surmounts the
difficulties of Life, and forces Life to pay the price asked.

Let us briefly review the events which gave birth to this POWER. The story begins
with an incident in Boston, March 5, 1770. British soldiers were patroling the
streets, by their presence, openly threatening the citizens. The colonists resent-
ed armed men marching in their midst. They began to express their resentment
openly, hurling stones as well as epithets, at the marching soldiers, until the com-
manding officer gave orders, "Fix bayonets Charge!"

The battle was on. It resulted in the death and injury of many. The incident
aroused such resentment that the Provincial Assembly, (made up of prominent
colonists), called a meeting for the purpose of taking definite action. Two of the
members of that Assembly were, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams-LONG LIVE
THEIR NAMES! They spoke up courageously, and declared that a move must be
made to eject all British soldiers from Boston.

Remember this-a DECISION, in the minds of two men, might properly be called
the beginning of the freedom which we, of the United States now enjoy. Remem-
ber, too, that the DECISION of these two men called for FAITH, and COURAGE,
because it was dangerous.
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